Opulous OLOAN

Provide capital for musicians and collect stable rewards.

Amount to stake
Exchange rate1 USDC = 1 OLOAN
Unlock Extra Rewards
Restake your OVAULT tokens and unlock up to 100K OPUL extra rewards.
Afer staking USDC and receiving OVAULT tokens, you can restake your OVAULT to unlock extra rewards.
chain logoBuilt on Arbitrum
Opulous OLOAN creates a unique bridge between digital assets and Real World Assets (RWA) in the music industry. By staking USDC in our liquidity pool, you provide capital to musicians and earn a premium on your staked USDC.
When you stake USDC, you receive OLOAN tokens that represent your stake in the liquidity pool. The value of these tokens increases with each payment, allowing you to claim a higher amount of USDC whenever you decide to withdraw. Holding your OLOAN enables you to continue accumulating rewards, thereby maximizing your returns over time.
Navigate to the "Withdraw" tab and lock your OLOAN tokens to enter the withdrawal queue. Once you're in the queue, you become eligible for the next scheduled payment based on your position. When it's your turn, you can claim your USDC rewards. The OLOAN tokens used for withdrawal will then be burned, increasing the value of the remaining OLOAN tokens.
Previous Payments
No Previous Payments
Please check the schedule for the next repayment date.